Vocabulary for Sindh Police With Urdu Meaning

"jobsonlinepk Synonyms is a comprehensive platform designed to enhance your vocabulary skills specifically tailored for various job exams in Pakistan, including Motorway Police, Sindh Police, IBA, NTS, STS, SPSC, Pak Navy, PAF, and others. Our website provides a wide range of synonyms with detailed answers and Urdu meanings, helping you strengthen your language proficiency and excel in your job preparation journey."

1. Antediluvian - antiquated

   A. antiquated B. parched

   C. nonsectarian D. nonsensical

2. Picayune - paltry

   A. petty B. spicy

   C. paltry D. southern

3. Smite - strike

   A. flee B. speck

   C. dirt D. strike

4. Winnow - weed

   A. carve B. wind

   C. weed D. carry

5. DEPLETE - exhaust

   A. decorate B. beg

   C. exhaust D. hurry

6. VOLUNTARY - willing

   A. willing B. charity

   C. prisoner D. careless

7. REFUTE - deny

   A. garbage B. deny

   C. offer D. difficult

8. CHEAT - defraud

   A. stingy B. argue

   C. freckle D. defraud

9. MISERABLE - unhappy

   A. cruel B. Wrong

   C. unhappy D. miss

10. VINTAGE - classic

   A. classic B. alcoholic

   C. disease D. spoiled

11. TART - acid

   A. law B. acid

   C. angry D. desirable

12. INSCRUTABLE - mysterious

   A. difficult B. mysterious

   C. inflexible D. wary


13. APPALL - dismay

   A. delirious B. covered

   C. dismay D. confuse

14. UPRIGHT - honorable

   A. honorable B. horizontal

   C. humble D. supine

15. REVERIE - daydream

   A. palimpsest B. phantom

   C. daydream D. curio

16. LOOT - spoils

   A. destruction B. waste

   C. spoils D. cavort

17. LOQUACIOUS - talkative

   A. talkative B. thirsty

   C. beautiful D. complicated

18. CHIMERA - illusion

   A. chimney B. protest

   C. illusion D. panache

19. TEMERITY - audacity

   A. audacity B. fearfulness

   C. shyness D. stupidity

20. EDUCE - elicit

   A. demand B. elicit

   C. ideal D. unlawful

21. NABOB - bigwig

   A. bigwig B. doubter

   C. frolic D. converse

22. PALL - horror

   A. light B. satiate

   C. carry D. horror

23. SACROSANCT - sacred

   A. prayer B. sanctuary

   C. pious D. sacred

24. LOUCHE - indecent

   A. gauche B. fine

   C. brilliant D. indecent

25. STENTORIAN - loud

   A. violent B. misbegotten

   C. loud D. stealthy

26. Modest - humble

   A. attractive B. clever

   C. current D. humble

27. Custom - habit

   A. dessert B. habit

   C. ethic D. deliver

28. Prolong - extend

   A. extend B. inquire

   C. relax D. wait

29. Hustle - hurry

   A. dance B. hurry

   C. busy D. clean

30. Mitigate - relieve

   A. relieve B. blend

   C. defend D. confuse

31. Rail - scold

   A. scold B. push

   C. try D. punish

32. Meld - blend

   A. character B. distinction

   C. blend D. firmness

33. Rally - muster

   A. demonstrate B. muster

   C. course D. truly

34. Abject - extreme

   A. indigent B. desire

   C. despondent D. extreme

35. Bespoke - tailored

   A. gentle B. quiet

   C. tailored D. handsome

36. Diffident - shy

   A. apathetic B. shy

   C. arrogant D. quarrelsome

37. Proffer - tender

   A. mendicant B. wastrel

   C. predict D. tender

38. Mordant - caustic

   A. dead B. gruesome

   C. fetid D. caustic

39. Churlish - boorish

   A. childish B. boorish

   C. tempestuous D. disorderly

40. Solemn - serious

   A. amusing B. harmful

   C. speech D. serious

41. Imply - suggest

   A. suggest B. stab

   C. thick D. destroy

42. Ramble - wander

   A. knot B. confuse

   C. wander D. wonder

43. Beneficial - advantageous

   A. help B. advantageous

   C. charity D. wise

44. Flare - blaze

   A. judicial B. temper

   C. style D. blaze

45. Negligent - careless

   A. pajamas B. morbid

   C. careless D. dark

46. Aloof - reserved

   A. above B. tidy

   C. clever D. reserved

47. Resolve - decide

   A. turn B. puzzle

   C. decide D. want

48. Congregate - gather

   A. worship B. gather

   C. disturb D. hurry

49. Uter - express

   A. express B. defer

   C. borrow D. laugh

50. Fearless - brave

   A. powerful B. cowardly

   C. brave D. careful

51. Negligible - insignificant

   A. insignificant B. arguable

   C. careless D. dark

52. Placid - calm

   A. calm B. lazy

   C. solemn D. devious

53. Rake - scoundrel

   A. thin B. scoundrel

   C. gentleman D. shovel

54. Dupe - trick

   A. rancher B. trick

   C. simpleton D. drug

55. Stigma - stain

   A. stain B. trial

   C. difficulty D. holiness

56. Reside - dwell

   A. remain B. home

   C. dwell D. sediment

57. Covetous - greedy

   A. quiet B. sneaky

   C. lurking D. greedy

58. Abide - endure

   A. endure B. hate

   C. attendance D. live

59. Shrewd - astute

   A. intractable B. mean

   C. astute D. intelligent

60. Fetter - hamper

   A. rancid B. praise

   C. hamper D. persist

61. Flagrant - glaring

   A. vibrant B. glaring

   C. vicious D. pleasant

Here are the Answers And Urdu Meaning 

1. Antediluvian - قدیم (antiquated)

2. Picayune - کم قیمت (paltry)

3. Smite - مارنا (strike)

4. Winnow - چھاننا (weed)

5. DEPLETE - خالی کرنا (exhaust)

6. VOLUNTARY - اپنی مرضی سے (willing)

7. REFUTE - تردید کرنا (deny)

8. CHEAT - دھوکہ دینا (defraud)

9. MISERABLE - بد نصیب (unhappy)

10. VINTAGE - قدیم (classic)

11. TART - ترش (acid)

12. INSCRUTABLE - عجیب (mysterious)

13. APPALL - ذہنی دکھ (dismay)

14. UPRIGHT - عزت دار (honorable)

15. REVERIE - خواب (daydream)

16. LOOT - لوٹ (spoils)

17. LOQUACIOUS - باتونی (talkative)

18. CHIMERA - وهم (illusion)

19. TEMERITY - بے باکی (audacity)

20. EDUCE - حاصل کرنا (elicit)

21. NABOB - عالم (bigwig)

22. PALL - گھمنڈ (horror)

23. SACROSANCT - پاک (sacred)

24. LOUCHE - غیر شرمندہ (indecent)

25. STENTORIAN - بلند آواز (loud)

26. Modest - عاجز (humble)

27. Custom - روایت (habit)

28. Prolong - لمبا کرنا (extend)

29. Hustle - جلدی کرنا (hurry)

30. Flagrant - بے رحم (glaring)

31. Mitigate - کم کرنا (relieve)

32. Rail - ملامت کرنا (scold)

33. Meld - ملاپ کرنا (blend)

34. Rally - جمع کرنا (muster)

35. Abject - ذلیل (despondent)

36. Bespoke - تیار (tailored)

37. Diffident - شرمیلا (shy)

38. Proffer - پیش کرنا (tender)

39. Mordant - تلخ (caustic)

40. Solemn - سنجیدہ (serious)

41. Imply - مطلب ہونا (suggest)

42. Ramble - بے تکا (wander)

43. Beneficial - فائدہ مند (advantageous)

44. Flare - شعلہ (blaze)

45. Negligent - لاپروا (careless)

46. Aloof - دور (reserved)

47. Resolve - حل کرنا (decide)

48. Congregate - جمع ہونا (gather)

49. Uter - اظہار (express)

50. Fearless - بے خوف (brave)

51. Negligible - حقیر (insignificant)

52. Placid - پر سکون (calm)

53. Rake - بال کھینچنا (scoundrel)

54. Dupe - دہوکہ دینا (trick)

55. Stigma - نشان (stain)

56. Reside - رہنا (dwell)

57. Covetous - حریص (greedy)

58. Abide - قائم رہنا (endure)

59. Shrewd - ہوشیار (astute)

60. Fetter - روک (hamper)

61. Churlish - بد خو (boorish)

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