Islamic Ghazawaz (Battles) With Concept And Understanding

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Explore the profound Ghazawat (Battles of Islam) that shaped Islamic history. Delve into detailed accounts of battles like Badr, Uhud, Trench, Khaybar, and Mutah, witnessing strategic maneuvers and divine guidance leading to triumphant victories. Discover the wisdom behind the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah and its impact on the Muslim community. Uncover the bravery of companions and the leadership of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in defending Islam and establishing peace. Journey through pivotal moments of courage, faith, and unity in the Ghazawat of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

The battle of Badr was fought between the Quraysh and the Muslims on Friday, 17th Ramadan in Hijrah two (March 13, 624 A.D.) at the field of Badr. The place of Badr is 80 miles away from Madinah. The Quraysh army consisted of 1,000 persons and was commanded by Abu Jahl. The Muslim army consisted of 313 companions.
The number of idolaters killed in this battle was 70, including their chieftain Abu Jahl and several other notable persons of the Quraysh. Abu Jahl was killed by the adolescent boys Maooz and Ma'aaz. As opposed to this, 14 Muslims, 6 among the Muhajir, and 8 from Ansar were martyred. The Muslims had won a crowning victory at the Battle of Badr.

The battle of Uhud was fought between the Quraysh and the Muslims in Hijrah three (625 A.D.). Uhud is a mountain three miles away from Madinah. The army of Quraysh consisted of 3,000 sons and was commanded by Abu Sufyan. The troops were accompanied by several women, including Hinda, the wife of Abu Sufyan, who had lost a brother and an uncle in the Battle of Badr. These women beat the tambourine and sang songs that prompted the men to fight. The Muslim army consisted of 1,000 persons when they left Madinah. As the Muslims were advancing towards the battlefiel...

The Battle of the Trench took place in Hijrah 5 (627 A.D.). This battle is also known as the Battle of Allies. The Muslim army consisted of 3,000 companions. The enemy army consisted of 10,000 persons, including idolaters and Jews. Abu Sufyan was the commander of the enemy army. Salman Farsi, a companion, gave an opinion to dig a trench. This idea was appreciated by Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) and the other Muslims. After 21 or 22 days of hard labor, the Muslims succeeded in digging a trench that was three and a half miles long and five feet deep. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) himself participated in the activity of digging the trench. The idolaters and the Jews made attempts to jump across the trench, but all their efforts proved futile, and they could not manage a general attack. About a month had elapsed since they left their homes. They had incurred heavy expenses on war efforts but without any fruitful result. They lost their patience, and they fled away during the night. The Muslims won this battle.

In the sixth year of Hijrah, Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) left for Makkah along with 1,400 companions to perform Umrah. The Ihram clothes and the animals for sacrifice showed that this caravan of 1,400 Muslims had no intention to wage war and that they just wanted to exercise their right in a peaceful manner. The Quraysh mobilized a group of warriors. When the Islamic caravan reached Asfan, Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) came to know that a group of warriors was at a place between the Muslims and Makkah to prevent the Muslims from entering Makkah. The Muslims, in the company of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW), bypassed the enemy and reached the ground of Hudaybiyyah and set up their camp near a well of water. Hudaybiyyah is a few kilometers from Makkah in the direction of Jeddah. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) sent Hazrat Usman as the emissary to the Quraysh so that he could prevail upon them that the purpose of the Muslims' visit to Makkah was not to wage war but to perform Umrah. Hazrat Usman's return to the Muslims was delayed, and a rumour spread that he was killed by the Quraysh of Makkah. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) took an oath from the companions that they would sacrifice their lives to avenge the blood of Hazrat Usman. This oath is known as "Bayat-al-Ridwan." The Quraysh were disturbed when they heard of this, and they sent Sohail bin Amr as their emissary to negotiate a treaty of peace with Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). It was called the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah. Following were the conditions of the agreement:
1. The Muslims would go back to Madinah without performing Umrah this year.
2. Next year, they would perform Umrah and leave Makkah after three days' stay.
3. The Muslims should not come equipped with weapons. They should bring swords only, and the swords should be in the cases and the cases in the bags.
4. They would not take along with them any Muslim resident of Makkah to Madinah nor forbid any Muslim from taking up his residence in Makkah if he so wished.
5. Anyone going to Madinah, whether from among the idolaters or Muslims going to Makkah, would not be returned. However, any Muslim going to Makkah would not be returned.
6. The tribes of Arabia would be authorized to enter into an agreement with any of the parties if they so wished.
7. This agreement would hold good for ten years. Hazrat Ali (RA) wrote this agreement. Apparently, conditions of the agreement were against the Muslims, but later the agreement proved fruitful for the Muslims.

The Battle of Khaybar was fought between the Muslims and the Jews in Hijrah 7. Khaybar was the fortified stronghold of the Jews 200 miles north of Madinah. In Khaybar, there were six fortresses of the Jews. In this battle, the Muslim army consisted of 1,400 companions. The Muslims conquered all the six fortresses. The number of Jews killed in this war was 93, and 20 Muslims were martyred by the Jews.

This battle was fought between the Muslims and the Byzantine force at the place of Mutah on Hijrah 7. After the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon Him) sent letters to kings and aristocracy of different places inviting them to accept Islam. One such letter was dispatched to the ruler of Busra. Harith bin Amr carried the letter to him. When he arrived at Mutah in Syria, the Christian ruler Shurahbila bin Amr, who was directly subordinate to Caesar, killed him. To avenge the killing of the envoy, Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) mobilized an army of 30,000 soldiers. Appointing Zaid bin Haris as the commander of the troops, Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "If Zaid is martyred, choose Jafar as your leader, if Jafar is martyred, select Hazrat Abdullah bin Rawaha as your chief, and if he too, then the Muslims would have the authority to choose anyone as their leader according to their own liking." To bid farewell, the Prophet went on foot with the Muslim troop till it was outside

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