` Prepare for Exam Success in Pakistan: Comprehensive MCQs Collection `

"Prepare for success in exams such as Sindh Police Constable, Motorway Police, IBA, SPSC, NTS, and more with our comprehensive collection of multiple-choice questions (MCQs). Covering a wide range of subjects and topics, our MCQs are designed to help you ace your tests and achieve your career goals in Pakistan. Whether you're aiming for Sindh Police Constable or any other competitive exam, our MCQs will sharpen your skills and boost your confidence."

All and Sundry ?

A. Everybody without distinction

B. Every distinguished person

C. No one without distinction

D. All the people with distinction

At arm's length ?

A. Intimately close

B. At a distance

C. Near and dear

D. At unreachable distance

At daggers drawn ?

A. Being highly cordial

B. To be perplexed to a great extent

C. At enmity

D. At intimacy

Bag and baggage ?

A. All the things except furniture

B. With only selected belonging

C. Not one's own but others'


D. With all one's belongings

Bed of roses ?

A. Great adversities

B. Impossibilities

C. Aspirations

D. Full of joys

By leaps and bounds ?

A. Very fast

B. Incredibly slow

C. Very sluggish

D. Fruitlessly

In cold blood ?

A. Mistakenly

B. Excitedly

C. Deliberately

D. Uselessly

In the teeth of ?

A. Under cover

B. In the face of

C. In the conclusion

D. In the pursuit of

Ins and Outs ?

OA. Brevity

B. Eventually

C. Abridged details

D. Full details

Lions slhare ?

A. Killing game

B. Major share

C. Unachievable share

D. Prey beasts

Hammer and tongs?

A. With deficiency

B. With insecurity

C. With split strength

D. With all one's strength

Put in cold storage?

A. To forget or neglect something

B To have respite


C. To refrigerate

D. To enjoy cold weather

To come to grief?

A. To face calamity

B. To be unsuccessful

C. To suffer monetarily

D. To be deprived of lent money

To be at sea?

A. Confused

B. Detained

C. Out of reach

D. Unconnected

To bear in mind?

A. To forget to recollect

B. To remember

C. To tolerate

D. To resist

Cheek the Jowl

A. Unrelated

B. Not close enough

C. Unfriendly

D. Close together

On the eve of?

A. Occasional happening

B. Merry times

C. Time just before an event

D. After the lapse of time

To bring into play?

A. To make use of

B. To react obstinately

C. To spend prodigally

D. To take part in a sports contest

To fight shy?

A. To flee from the spot

B. To decide to surrender

C. To take a furious action

D. To avoid

To back out?

A. To withdraw

B. To readdress an issue

C. To collapse

D. To plan a run-over attack

To play fast and loose?

A. To come forward boldly

B. To attack blindly

C. To behave overconfidently

D. To act irresponsibly

To make one's mark?

A. To defane

B. To gain distinction

C. To recover dead debt

D. To plunder

To keep body and soul together?

A. To be cold sentimentalist

B. To gain puberty

C. To fail to be married

D. To manage to live

To cry wolf?

A. To come face to face with a wolf

B. To design cunning schemes

C. To raise false alarm

D. To cry bitterly

To hang back?

A. To show unwillingness to act

B. To ascertain

C. To quit

D. To retire

To be in bad odour:

A. To be nobly famous

B. To smell rotten eggs

C. To have a bad reputation

D. To earn unfair profits

Be even with?

A. To be confronted with

B. To be hostile to

C. To be audacious

D. To settle scores with

To be taken aback

A. To be surprised

B. To be pushed back

C. To be surpassed

D. To be trampled

Cut somebody off?

A.. Kill somebody

B. Interrupt somebody

C. defame somebody

D. Operate on

somebody contempt To play up

A.. To triumph over

B. To behave frankly

C. To create complexity

D. To over-emphasize a point

From the bottom of one's heart

A. Superficially

B. Nominally

C. Genuinely and deeply.

D. Monotony

To strain every nerve?

A. To make utmost efforts

B. To feel unsuccessful

C. To be highly thoughtful

D. To be a realist

To flog a dead horse?

A. To enliven a dead horse

B. To attempt to do the impossible

C. To hinder one's efforts

D. To reframe plans

To be set for something

A. To be ready or prepared for


B. To have possession of something

C. To start a journey

D. To look into something

To make the acquaintance of


A. To meet somebody personally

B. To correspond with somebody

C. To select acquaintances wisely

D. To avoid being an

acquaintance with someone A form of address?

A. Permanent address

B. Style of addressing somebody

in speech or writing

C. Having no address

D. Combined address

To fall foul of somebody/something?

A. To have a confrontation or

disagreement with


B. To bring an end to rivalry

C. To adopt foul means to let down


D. To defeat somebody/something

To make somebody free of


A. To make somebody escape prison

B. To disengage somebody

C. To allow somebody full use of

enjoyment of something

D. To deny somebody comforts

To frighten the life out of somebody?

A. To terrify or startle somebody

B. To remove cowardice from


C. To make somebody dead by


D. To make somebody un-frightened

Fair and square?

A. Crooked

B. Honest

C. White-complexioned

D. Injudicious

A white elephant?

A. Imperious possession

B. Costly or troublesome


C. An extinct elephant species

D. Indian-African elephants

Out and out?

A. Partly

B. Outwardly

C. Totally

D. Oustedly

Does not hold water

A. Cannot contain anything

B. Cannot sink in water

C. Cannot meet requirements

D. Cannot be drenched

A tight corner

A. In hometown

B. In a strange town

C. Jam-packed in traffic

D. In a difficult situation

To make clean breast of?

A. To cure a breast disease

B. To ignore realities

C. To change one's previous

manner of living entirely

D. To look after something

To keeps one's temper 

A. To become violent

B. To be in good mood

C To learn barbaric manners

D. To be indifferent

Of no avail?

A. Gain without waste

B. Hard target

C. Great anticipations

D. Useless

Out of the wood?

A. Highly jeopardized

B. To face perilous happenings

C. Clear of dangers or difficulties

D. Indispensably significant

In defense of?

A. As opposed to

B. In support of

C. In unanimity among

D. On contrary to

In keeping with?

A. In disparity with

B. Living with

C. In harmony with

D. At enmity with

In the long run?

A. In the end

B. In the course

C. In the pursuit

D. In the history

Not worth his salt?

A. Highly trustable

B. Too much salted dish

C. Not worth keeping

D. Over-exaggerating


A. In contrast with

B. in place of

C. Within reach of

D. On merit of

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