Most Important One word Substitution (English)

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Absence of Government _____Anarchy.

A person who is out to destroy all government and order____ Anarchist.

A person liable to be called to account for his actions ____ Answerable

Government by one ____ Autocracy

Government by the rich ____ Plutocracy

Government by the few ____ Oligarchy

Government by the nobles ____ Bureaucracy

Government by the people ____Aristocracy

Government by the king or queen ____ Monarchy

A diplomatic minister of the highest order sent by one country to another ____ Ambassador

The whole mass of air surrounding the earth ____ Atmosphere

One who does not believe in the existence of God ____ Atheist

One who believes in the existence of God ____ Theist

One who is not sure of the existence of God ____ Agnostic

A medicine which prevents infection by killing germs ____ Antiseptic

One who starves the body for the good of the soul ____ Ascetic

To give up the throne or other office of dignity ____ Abdicate

To increase the speed of, to hasten the progress of ____ Accelerate

State of growth between boyhood and youth ____ Adolescence

To absorb food completely or to understand something completely ____ Assimilate

To turn friends into enemies ____ Alienate

To increase the gravity of an offense or the intensity of a disease ____ Aggravate

To destroy completely ____ Annihilate

One who does something not professionally but for pleasure ____ Amateur

A statement open to more than one interpretation ____ Ambiguous

To talk impiously about sacred things ____ Blaspheme

One who has narrow and prejudiced religious views ____ Bigot

One who is a great lover of books ____ Bibliophile

A woman of fair complexion and light hair ____ Blonde

A Woman with dark complexion and brown hair Brunette

Marrying one husband or one wife at a time ____ Monogamy

Marrying more than one wife or more than one husband at a time ____ Polygamy

Marrying more than one husband at a time ____ Polyandry

Influence exerted secretly ____ Backdoor

The science of vegetable life ____ Botany

The life history of a man written by himself ____ Autobiography

The life history of a man written by someone else ____ Biography

The science which treats of life ____ Biology

A member of the middle class ____ Bourgeois

A person easily believes whatever is told to him _____ Credulous

People working together in the same office or department Colleagues

One who is always inclined to find faults ____ Censorious

One who can make himself at home in all countries ____ Cosmopolitan

The state of remaining unmarried ____ Celibacy

A roundabout way of speaking ____ Circumlocution

The action of bringing into completion ____ Consummation

Men living in the same age ____ Contemporaries

Belonging to or pertaining to an individual from birth ____ Congenital

To give one's authority to another ____ Delegate

Vigilant and cautious observation of events or circumstances ____ Circumspection

The action of looking within or into one's own mind ____ Introspection

The action of looking back on past time ____ Retrospection

Incapable of being moved ____ Immovable

With one voice; a decision, opinion on which all are agreed ____ Unanimous

One incapable of being tired ____ Indefatigable

A child born after the death of his father ____ Posthumous

A book published after the death of its writer Posthumous

A letter, poem, etc. whose author is unknown Anonymous

A person who is too much like a woman ____ Effeminate

Work for which no salary is paid ____ Honorary

An office with high salary but no work ____ Sinecure

One who helps a stranger or a helpless person in difficulties ____ Samaritan

One who is present everywhere ____ Omnipresent

One who knows everything ____ Omniscient

One who is all-powerful ____ Omnipotent

One who walks in sleep ____ Somnambulist

One who looks at the bright side of things ____ Optimist

One who looks at the dark side of things ____ Pessimist

One who cannot read or write ____ Illiterate

One who is not easily pleased ____ Fastidious

To make a thing sacred ____ Consecrate

A game or battle in which neither party wins ____ Drawn

One who is unable to pay one's debts ____ Insolvent

A writer who borrows words and ideas from another author ____ Plagiarist

Holding established opinions ____ Orthodox

Hater of mankind ____ Misanthrope

Lover of mankind ____ Philanthropist

Hater of women ____ Misogynist

The science which treats of man ____ Anthropology

The science which treats of the body ____ Physiology

The science which treats of the earth ____ Geology

The science which treats of animals ____ Zoology

The science which treats of languages ____ Philology

Happening at one and the same time ____ Simultaneous

Murder or murderer of a man ____ Homicide

Murder or murderer of a king ____ Regicide

Murder or murderer of mother ____ Matricide

Murder or murderer of father ____ Patricide

Murder or murderer of brother ____ Fratricide

Murder or murderer of oneself ____ Suicide

Lasting only for a very short while ____ Temporary / Transient

Capable of being seen through ____ Transparent

One who does not care for literature or art ____ Philistine

Property inherited from one's father or ancestors ____ Patrimony

One who amuses oneself by love-making ____ Philanderer

Too much official formality ____ Red tapeism

A person for whom money or gain is the most important consideration ____ Materialistic

Medical examination of a body held after death ____ Post-mortem

A remedy for all diseases ____ Panacea

The first speech delivered by a person ____ Maiden

That part of the government which preserves law and order and carries out the laws made by the legislature ____ Executive

One who thinks only of oneself Egoist

One who always talks of oneself ____ Egotist

A speech delivered without any previous preparation ____ Extempore 

The art practised by statesmen and ambassadors ____ Diplomacy

One who thinks of the welfare of women ____ Feminist

A scheme that cannot be put into practice ____ Impracticable

A medicine that kills germs ____ Germicide

Holding established opinions ____ Orthodox

Hater of mankind ____ Misanthrope

Lover of mankind ____ Philanthropist

Hater of women ____ Misogynist

The science which treats of man ____ Anthropology

The science which treats of the body ____ Physiology

The science which treats of the earth ____ Geology

The science which treats of animals ____ Zoology

The science which treats of languages ____ Philology

Happening at one and the same time ____ Simultaneous

Murder or murderer of a man ____ Homicide

Murder or murderer of a king ____ Regicide

Murder or murderer of mother ____ Matricide

Murder or murderer of father ____ Patricide

Murder or murderer of brother ____ Fratricide

Murder or murderer of oneself ____ Suicide

Lasting only for a very short while ____ Temporary / Transient

Capable of being seen through ____ Transparent

One who does not care for literature or art ____ Philistine

Property inherited from one's father or ancestors ____ Patrimony

One who amuses oneself by love-making Philanderer

Too much official formality ____ Red tapeism

A person for whom money or gain is the most important consideration ____ Materialistic

Medical examination of a body held after death ____ Post-mortem

A remedy for all diseases ____ Panacea

The first speech delivered by a person ____ Maiden

That part of the government which preserves law and order and carries out the laws made by the legislature ____ Executive

One who thinks only of oneself ___ Egoist

One who always talks of oneself ____ Egotist

A speech delivered without any previous preparation ____ Extempore

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