Prepositions: Mastering Prepositions for Sindh Police, Motorway Police, and Job Exams in Pakistan"

Mastering Prepositions for Exam Success in Pakistan

 "Mastering prepositions is essential for success in exams like Sindh Police, Motorway Police, and various other job tests in Pakistan. Our website provides comprehensive practice and explanations for prepositions, helping you improve your English language skills and excel in your exams. From basic concepts to advanced usage, we cover everything you need to know about prepositions through engaging multiple-choice questions and detailed explanations. Prepare with us to enhance your understanding and boost your performance in exams."

1. What is the use ............. worrying about the lost treasures?
   - A. at
   - B. in
   - C. on
   - D. of

2. The patient complains to the doctor ............. headache.
   - A. of
   - B. with
   - C. from
   - D. about

3. Sometime traveling ......... intercity bus causes much delayed reach.
   - A. of
   - B. in
   - C. by
   - D. from

4. The candidates were directed to write the essay ......... blue ink.
   - A. In
   - B. with
   - C. from
   - D. on

5. Abiding ....... law is the culture of civilized nations.
   - A. of
   - B. in
   - C. by
   - D. from

6. I phoned him last evening to congratulate him .......... promotion.
   - A. in
   - B. on
   - C. of
   - D. for

7. The divers jumped .......... the river to take out the lost necklace.
   - A. on
   - B. in
   - C. into
   - D. to

8. No one should be surprised that the wrestler drinks, every day a jug filled ....... milk.
   - A. of
   - B. with
   - C. in
   - D. upon

9. He who teaches English should be good ........ it.
   - A. in
   - B. on
   - C. with
   - D. at

10. Anyone fond ......... mountaineering must reach the sky-touching peaks.
    - A. of
    - B. by
    - C. on
    - D. with

11. A person, gifted ........ common sense can make right decisions.
    - A. on
    - B. by
    - C. with
    - D. over

12. She burst ........, "I hate you!"
    - A. on
    - B. in
    - C. of
    - D. out

13. There came thick clouds ....... the stadium when the players had started the play.
    - A. in
    - B. over
    - C. with
    - D. to

14. Where have you been ....... I last saw you?
    - A. for
    - B. with
    - C. since
    - D. by

15. When the property was divided ........ the two sisters, they seemed to be at daggers drawn with each other.
    - A. among
    - B. between
    - C. with
    - D. for

16. The bank robber shot the guard ......... a gun.
    - A. by
    - B. for
    - C. with
    - D. in

17. No Pakistani leader can be compared ....... Quaid-e-Azam so far as the honesty of purpose is concerned.
    - A. to
    - B. with
    - C. over
    - D. in

18. To be appointed ....... his post, a candidate is required to be an M.A with three years of experience.
    - A. to
    - B. on
    - C. with
    - D. for

19. He has been blind ....... one eye.
    - A. from
    - B. in
    - C. on
    - D. of

20. No one can be prevented ....... enjoying his legal rights.
    - A. from
    - B. for
    - C. with
    - D. on

21. Naveed has invited his friends ......... lunch today.
    - A. for
    - B. to
    - C. with
    - D. over

22. The farmers looked worried when the water supply gave .......
    - A. out
    - B. off
    - C. of
    - D. about

23. In olden times, the books were copied word ........ word.
    - A. by
    - B. in
    - C. for
    - D. from

24. I will be highly grateful ....... you if you assign me this task.
    - A. for
    - B. to
    - C. from
    - D. with

25. He is available in the office every day with exception ........ Saturday and Sunday.
    - A. to
    - B. of
    - C. for
    - D. with

26. Because of corrupted manners, he was excluded ......... the team.
    - A. on
    - B. from
    - C. by
    - D. for

27. Your examination is drawing near; you must be engrossed ....... your studies.
    - A. on
    - B. with
    - C. in
    - D. over

28. Everybody is enraged ....... his stupidity.
    - A. by
    - B. on
    - C. in
    - D. over

29. He felt in his pocket .......... some money.
    - A. in
    - B. on
    - C. for
    - D. by

30. When the children did not refrain from making mistakes, the father frowned ........ them.
    - A. at
    - B. on
    - C. in
    - D. with

31. It makes no sense why rich people are always greedy ........ more money.
    - A. for
    - B. of
    - C. in
    - D. with

32. I feel hopeful ....... success in the examination.
    - A. in
    - B. by
    - C. of
    - D. on

33. It is not wise to include ....... idle talks.
    - A. on
    - B. about
    - C. over
    - D. in

34. We are greatly indebted ....... him for this favor.
    - A. with
    - B. for
    - C. to
    - D. in

35. She is completely involved ....... writing her thesis.
    - A. in
    - B. on
    - C. with
    - D. over

36. On this point, no one can differ ........ you.
    - A. from
    - B. with
    - C. or
    - D. in

37. My car battery has run ........
    - A. out
    - B. about
    - C. down
    - D. in

38. Those who have the courage and confidence do not despair ....... failures in life.
    - A. on
    - B. in
    - C. over
    - D. of

39. He told the news ....... everybody in the town.
    - A. about
    - B. of
    - C. on
    - D. to

40. I am accustomed ....... listening to romantic music.
    - A. for
    - B. to
    - C. by
    - D. with

41. The question was so difficult that no candidate could guess ........ answer to it.
    - A. for
    - B. in
    - C. at
    - D. on

42. The firefighters had to struggle ......... the fire.
    - A. on
    - B. by
    - C. with
    - D. over

43. To jest ........ others is not cultured behavior.
    - A. in
    - B. at
    - C. for
    - D. with

44. Before he came to settle down in my locality, I had been unknown ........ him.
    - A. with
    - B. about
    - C. for
    - D. to

45. Everybody longs ........ a successful life but is not interested in the required hard work.
    - A. by
    - B. in
    - C. for
    - D. with

46. A man of truthful belief always tries to live ........ honest labors.
    - A. by
    - B. with
    - C. on
    - D. for

47. Jamal was married last month ........ his cousin Rabina.
    - A. by
    - B. to
    - C. with
    - D. for

48. Although he is badly in need ....... money, yet he will adopt no foul means.
    - A. of
    - B. for
    - C. with
    - D. on

49. She is often mistaken ....... her twin sister.
    - A. with
    - B. as
    - C. for
    - D. from

50. No objection can be raised ........ his proposal.
    - A. on
    - B. to
    - C. against
    - D. with

51. In these modern days, brides do not shed tears when they part ......... their parents.
    - A. from
    - B. of
    - C. with
    - D. by

52. A stone-hearted person trifles ........ his feelings.
    - A. on
    - B. after
    - C. over
    - D. with

53. If you are good-oriented, you will triumph ........ evil in the long run.
    - A. on
    - B. over
    - C. with
    - D. against

54. Those who trust ........ Allah and do the right, never feel isolated.
    - A. in
    - B. on
    - C. with
    - D. by

55. According to his doctor, he has fallen a victim ........ cancer.
    - A. on
    - B. to
    - C. in
    - D. for

56. Despite having been warned ........ the pickpockets, he lost his money.
    - A. about
    - B. in
    - C. from
    - D. against

57. None except Waseem Akram was worthy ........ the honor of victory.
    - A. with
    - B. of
    - C. on
    - D. over

58. A traitor ........ Pakistan should be sentenced to death punishment.
    - A. of
    - B. in
    - C. to
    - D. with

59. We are no longer interested ......... his affairs as he fabricates happenings.
    - A. on
    - B. with
    - C. for
    - D. in

60. If you jump ......... conclusions without reasoning, you will make no mark.
    - A. in
    - B. on
    - C. to
    - D. with

61. The poor dwellers lamented ....... loss of their properties, caused by leaked water pipes.
    - A. with
    - B. in
    - C. on
    - D. for

62. No one can hinder you ....... making advancement if you have determination.
    - A. from
    - B. in
    - C. for
    - D. on

63. He who is not eligible ....... his post will not be interviewed.
    - A. in
    - B. of
    - C. on
    - D. for

64. You should have reminded him ....... his promise.
    - A. with
    - B. for
    - C. of
    - D. from

65. The matter will soon be referred ...... the editorial board.
    - A. with
    - B. by
    - C. to
    - D. on

66. What will we do if we run short ........ fuel.
    - A. of
    - B. with
    - C. for
    - D. in

67. He who is not satisfied .......... his lot is always found complaining.
    - A. for
    - B. in
    - C. with
    - D. over

68. The doctor gave him medicine that could instantly relieve him ......... his pain.
    - A. in
    - B. of
    - C. with
    - D. over

69. The patient's condition is getting critical; please send ....... the doctor at once.
    - A. on
    - B. by
    - C. for
    - D. with

70. Everyone who attended the program was sick ......... the unruly performance.
    - A. of
    - B. by
    - C. with
    - D. on

71. Kamal completely takes ......... his father.
    - A. on
    - B. with
    - C. after
    - D. from

72. He gave ......... most of his money to the needy.
    - A. in
    - B. for
    - C. out
    - D. away

73. They were speaking .......... the plans for the holidays.
    - A. about
    - B. in
    - C. on
    - D. with

74. If you have information, you should stick .......... the point and not digress.
    - A. in
    - B. on
    - C. over
    - D. to

75. To set out ......... a journey, we need to hire a bus.
    - A. in
    - B. on
    - C. of
    - D. with

76. He seized ........ my suggestion and began to work immediately.
    - A. on
    - B. with
    - C. upon
    - D. against

77. He is very lavish ........ praising others.
    - A. in
    - B. ol
    - C. with
    - D. from

78. One's malice .......... others harms oneself more.
    - A. on
    - B. towards
    - C. in
    - D. over

79. Why does he always meddle ........ the affairs of others?
    - A. on
    - B. from
    - C. with
    - D. by

80. He is no match ........ her in tennis.
    - A. from
    - B. Over
    - C. on 
      D. for

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