Everyday Science MCQs Specially for Sindh Police Preparation

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Everyday Science MCQs

1. Study of earthquakes is known as

(a) Ecology (b) Seismology✓

(c) Numismatics (d) None of these

2. Ecology deals with

(a) Birds

(b) Cell formation

(c) Relation between organisms and their environment✓

(d) Tissues

3. Meteorology is the science of

(a) Weather✓ (b) Meteors

(c) Metals (d) Earthquakes

4. Oncology is the study of

(a) Birds (b) Cancer✓

(c) Mammals (d) Soil

5. Entomology deals with

(a) Plants (b) Animals

(c) Insects✓ (d) Chemicals

6. The science of heavenly bodies is called

(a) Astrophysics (b) Astronomy✓

(c) Astroneuties (d) Cosmology

7. A branch of biology dealing with the structure and function of cells is called

(a) Semiology (b) Orology

(c) Cytology✓ (d) Oncology

8. An aplogical study of external form and structure of living organisms and their parts is called

(a) Morphology✓ (b) Nephrology

(c) Oncology (d) Pharmacology

9. Who invented the motorcycle?

   (a) G. Daimler of Cannstatt✓

   (b) Percy L. Spencer

   (c) Sir George Cayley

   (d) E. H. Armstrong

10. The wonder drug Penicillin was discovered by

   (a) Louis Pasteur (b) Alexander Fleming✓

   (c) Edward Jenner (d) Jonas Salk

11. Who invented the hydrogen bomb?

   (a) J. Robert Oppenheimer

   (b) Albert Einstein

   (c) Samuel Cohen✓

   (d) Edward Teller

12. Who invented the Microprocessor?

   (a) Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore✓

   (b) Georges Claude

   (c) Gregory Pincus

   (d) Michael de Bakey

13. Who was the inventor of the jet engine?

   (a) James Watt

   (b) Charles Parsons

   (c) Orville and Wilbur Wright

   (d) Frank Whittle✓

14. Radioactivity was discovered by

   (a) Henry Becquerel✓

   (b) Marie Curie

   (c) Newton

   (d) Einstein

15. The Mercury thermometer was invented by

   (a) Galileo✓

   (b) Fahrenheit

   (c) Newton

   (d) Priestley

16. For which invention is Alessandro Volta famous?

   (a) Light bulb

   (b) Telephone

   (c) Battery✓

   (d) Camera

17. Who was the first person to televise pictures of moving objects?

   (a) John Logie Baird✓

   (b) George Carey

   (c) C.F. Jenkins

   (d) Paul Nipkow

18. Who built the locomotive?

    (a) Henry Ford

    (b) Thomas Edison

    (c) Albert Einstein

   (d) George Stephenson✓

19. Who invented dynamite?

    (a) Graham Bell

    (b) Thomas Alva Edison

    (c) Alfred Noble✓

   (d) None

20. Which of the following helps in clotting of blood?

(a) Vitamin B (b) Vitamin B12

(c) Vitamin D (d) Vitamin K✓

21. Night blindness is due to a lack of

(a) Vitamin A✓ (b) Vitamin B

(c) Vitamin C (d) Vitamin D

22. Rickets in childhood is due to a lack of

(a) Vitamin A (b) Vitamin B

(c) Vitamin C (d) Vitamin D✓

23. Muscular and nervous disorders are due to a lack of

(a) Vitamin A (b) Vitamin C

(c) Vitamin D (d) Vitamin E

24. Deficiency of Vitamin B1 causes

(a) Rickets (b) Skin disease

(c) Beriberi✓ (d) Infertility

25. Deficiency of Vitamin C leads to a disease known as

(a) Scurvy✓ (b) Infertility

(c) Rickets (d) Beriberi

26. The vitamin which can be most easily synthesized in the human body is

(a) Vitamin D (b) Vitamin C

(c) Vitamin B (d) Vitamin K

27. Which Vitamin is known as Ascorbic Acid?

(a) A (b) B

(c) K (d) C✓

28. Green color of plants is due to the presence of

(a) Sodium (b) Phosphorus

(c) Chlorophyll✓ (d) Iron

29. The organ that filters blood in the human body is

(a) Heart (b) Spleen

(c) Kidney✓ (d) Liver

30. The vitamin capable of the formation of blood is

(a) A (b) B

(c) C (d) D

31. Deficiency of iron in the human diet causes

(a) Goiter (b) Scurvy

(c) Anemia✓ (d) Rickets

32. ECG is used for the diagnosis of ailments of the

(a) Brain (b) Heart✓

(c) Kidneys (d) Lungs

33. Dialysis is used for the treatment of

(a) Kidney failure✓ (b) Heart weakness

(c) Brain diseases (d) None of these

34. BCG Vaccine is used to produce immunity against

(a) Whooping cough (b) Tuberculosis✓

(c) Virus fever (d) Smallpox

35. Hepatitis B is a disease of

(a) Lungs (b) Heart

(c) Liver✓ (d) Kidney

36. The secretion of insulin causes

(a) Beriberi (b) Rickets

(c) Anemia (d) Diabetes✓

37. The AIDS virus is called.

(a) A.L.B (b) B.L.H

(c) HIV✓ (d) V.J.H

38. Which of the following is caused by bacterial infection?

(a) Malaria (b) Tetanus✓

(c) Cancer (d) Rabies

39. Jaundice affects the

(a) Lungs (b) Liver✓

(c) Kidneys (d) Heart

40. Wisdom teeth normally grow between the age of

(a) 34-40✓ (b) 17-30

(c) 45-55 (d) 10-17

41. During sleep, a man's blood pressure:

(a) Increases (b) Decreases

(c) Remains constant (d) Fluctuates✓

42. There are approximately muscles in the human body.

(a) 200 (b) 350

(c) 500 (d) 700✓

43. Saliva helps in the digestion of:

(a) Proteins (b) Fats

(c) Fibers (d) Starch✓

44. Life of RBC in human blood is of:

(a) 30 days (b) 60 days

(c) 120 days✓ (d) 15 hours

45. The largest living bird is

(a) Duck (b) Ostrich✓

(c) Peacock (d) Dodo

46. Which of the following is known as the 'graveyard of RBCs'?

(a) Bone marrow✓ (b) Liver

(c) Spleen (d) Appendix

47. The normal temperature of the human body is:

(a) 90°F (b) 98°F

(c) 98.6°F✓ (d) 96.4°F

48. Which muscle is the strongest of all in the human body?

(a) Jaw (b) Thigh✓

(c) Calf (d) Upper arm

49. Sweat glands occur in the greatest number in the skin of the:

(a) Armpits✓ (b) Forehead

(c) Back (d) Palm of hand

50. The total number of bones in the human skull is:

(a) 8 (b) 12

(c) 30 (d) 32✓

51. The plant part rich in carbohydrates is

(a) Potato tuber (b) Spinach leaf✓

(c) Orange fruit (d) Onion

52. Pituitary gland is located just below the

(a) Brain✓ (b) Heart

(c) Liver (d) Kidney

53. Which gas is commonly used in balloons and airships?

(a) Hydrogen (b) Helium✓

(c) Carbon (d) Hydrogen Sulfide

54. The sky appears blue because the earth's atmosphere

(a) Scatters blue light

(b) Reflects blue light✓

(c) Transmits blue light

(d) Has an actual blue cover

55. The most abundant element in Earth's crust is

(a) Silicon (b) Iron

(c) Aluminum (d) Oxygen✓

56. The heating element of an electric heater is made up of

(a) Tungsten (b) Graphite

(c) Chromium (d) Nichrome✓

57. Which one of the following units represents the largest amount of energy?

(a) Calorie✓ (b) Joule

(c) Erg (d) Electron volt

58. Which gas is used in the preparation of soft drinks?

(a) Oxygen (b) Carbon dioxide✓

(c) Nitrogen (d) Halogens

59. In blood, the percentage of water is

(a) 75% (b) 85%

(c) 90%✓ (d) 95%

60. The volume percentage of nitrogen in air is

(a) 60% (b) 67%

(c) 74% (d) 78%✓

61. Air contains a volume of carbon dioxide approximately;

(a) 3% (b) 33%

(c) 0.3% (d) 0.03%✓

62. Which of the following is involved in blood clotting.

(a) Sodium✓ (b) Magnesium

(c) Calcium (d) Potassium

63. For water purification, we use

(a) Chlorine✓ (b) Bromine

(c) Fluorine (d) Iodine

64. The human blood is divided into

(a) Two groups (b) Three groups

(c) Four groups✓ (d) Five groups

65. Which type of blood of individuals is known as universal donor

(a) Type B (b) Type A

(c) Type O✓ (d) Type AB

66. Penicillin, an antibiotic, is obtained from a

(a) Flowering plant (b) Fungus✓

(c) Virus (d) Bacterium

67. Which one of the following is a hereditary disease?

(a) Polio (b) Cholera

(c) Typhoid (d) Hemophilia✓

68. A colorblind person cannot distinguish red from

(a) Yellow (b) Blue

(c) Green✓ (d) White

69. In the eye, color vision is affected by the presence of

(a) Choroid coat (b) Sclerotic coat

(c) Rods✓ (d) Cones

70. Which of the following is a mammal?

(a) Ostrich (b) Crocodile✓

(c) Platypus (d) Duck

71. The smallest plants on earth are the

(a) Ferns (b) Algae✓

(c) Fungi (d) Bacteria

72. Who invented the Polio vaccine (Oral)?

(a) Jonas Salk✓ (b) Burk Holder

(c) Robert Koch (d) Albert Sabin

73. Total volume of blood in a normal human being is

(a) 5-6 liters✓ (b) 3-4 liters

(c) 8-10 liters (d) 10-12 liters

74. Red blood corpuscles are formed in the

(a) Liver (b) Bone marrow✓

(c) Kidneys (d) Heart

75. The number of bones in the human body of an adult is approximately

(a) 210 (b) 250

(c) 206✓ (d) Not fixed

76. The strongest muscle in the human body is found in

(a) Hands (b) Buttocks✓

(c) Neck (d) Legs

77. The main function of the kidney is

(a) To control blood pressure

(b) To control body temperature

(c) To remove waste products from the body✓

(d) To help in digestion of food

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