Error Correction MCQs

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Error Correction

1. (a) They had arrived at the station before we reached. ✓

(b) They had arrived at the station before we arrived. 

(c) They had arrived at the station before we reach. 

(d) They have arrived at the station before we reached.

2. (a) The teacher had entered the room when the bell rang. ✓

(b) The teacher has entered the room when the bell rang.

(c) The teacher had entered the room when the bell rings.

(d) The teacher had entered the room when the bell rang.

3. (a) You will have recovered by the time I come back. 

(b) You will have recovered by the time I come back. ✓

(c) You will have recovered by the time I came back. 

(d) You will have recovered by the time I come back.

4. (a) The train had not left when we reached.

(b) The train had not left when we reached. 

(c) The train had not left when we reached.✓

(d) The train had not left when we reached.

5. (a) The train had not reached the station before it grew dark.✓

 (b) The train had not reached the station before it grew dark.

 (c) The train had not reached the station before it grew dark.

 (d) The train had not reached the station before it grew dark.

6. (a) He would not have spent all the money by the time his father came.

 (b) He would not have spent all the money by the time his father comes.✓

 (c) He would not have spent all the money by the time his father came.

 (d) He would not have spent all the money by the time his father comes.

7. (a) Had he packed up before he received the orders? ✓

(b) Had he packed up before he received the orders? 

(c) Had he packed up before he received the orders? 

(d) Had he packed up before he received the orders?

10. (a) Had he packed up before he received the orders? ✓

(b) Had he packed up before he received the orders?

(c) Had he packed up before he received the orders?

(d) Has he packed up before he receives the orders?

11. (a) Had the boys entered the room when the bell rang? 

(b) Had the boys entered the room when the bell rang?✓

 (c) Had the boys enter the room when the bell rang?

 (d) Had the boys entered the room when the bell rings?

12. (a) Shall I have recovered by the time the month ends?

 (b) Shall I have recovered by the time the month ends?✓

 (c) Shall I has recovered by the time the month ends. 

(d) Shall I have recover by the time the month ends.

13. (a) Will Anees have spent all the money before his father finds it out. 

(b) Will Anees have spend all the money before his father finds it out. ✓

(c) Will Anees had spent all the money before his father finds it out. 

(d) Will Anees have spent all the money before his father finds it out.

14. (a) Ahmad had been waiting for the bus for full twenty minutes. 

(b) Ahmad had been waiting for the bus for full twenty minutes. ✓

(c) Ahmad have been waiting for the bus for full twenty minutes. 

(d) Ahmad had been waiting for the bus since full twenty minutes.

15. (a) They have been living in this tent for many months.✓

(b) They have been living in this tent since many months.

(c) They has been living in this tent for many months. 

(d) They have been living in this tent from many months.

16. (a) I have not been feeling well for many days. ✓

(b) I have not feeling well for many days.(c) I has not been feel well for many days.

(d) I has not feeling well for many days.

17. (a) Boys has not doing anything since December. 

(b) Boys had not been done anything since December. 

(c) Boys had not been doing anything since December.✓

(d) Boys had not been doing anything for December.

18. (a) Boys had been not doing anything since December. 

(b) Boys have not been doing anything since December. ✓

(c) Boys has not been doing anything for December. 

(d) Boys have not done anything since December.

19. (a) Has you not been keeping good health for a long time. ✓

(b) Has you not been keeping good health for a long time. 

(c) Had you not been keeping good health for a long time. 

(d) Have you not keeping good health for a long time.

20. (a) He had not been opening his shop for many days. ✓

(b) He has not opening his shop for many days. 

(c) He had not been opening his shop for many days. 

(d) He have not been opening his shop for many days.

21. (a) Hamid did not go to bed till eleven. ✓

(b) Hamid do not go to bed till eleven. 

(c) Hamid did not went to bed till eleven.

(d) Hamid does not went to bed till eleven.

22. (a) We did not like his manners. ✓

(b) We did not liked his manners. 

(c) We did not likes his manners. 

(d) We do not likes his manners.

23. (a) He had saved their lives before the scouts reached. 

(b) He had saved their lives before the scouts reached. ✓

(c) He has saved their lives before the scouts reached.

(d) He had saved their lives before the scouts reached.

24. (a) Babar had won the battle before rain came. ✓

(b) Babar had won the battle before rain came.

(c) Babar has won the battle before rain came. 

(d) Babar have won the battle before rain came.

25. (a) He has been living in this house for six years. ✓

(b) He has been living in this house since six years. 

(c) He has been living in this house for six years. 

(d) He has been living in this house for six years.

26. (a) I have been taking this medicine for last six years.✓

 (b) He has been taking this medicine for last six years. 

(c) I have been taking this medicine since last six years.

 (d) I am taking this medicine for last six years.

27. (a) We have been friends since we were children. 

(b) We were friends since we were children.

 (c) We have been friends since we were children.

 (d) We were friends for we were children.

28. (a) He played very well, didn't he? 

(b) He played very well, doesn't he?

 (c) He played very well, will not he? 

(d) He played very well, didn't he?✓

29. (a) It isn't far from the university, isn't it?

 (b) It isn't far from the university, is it?✓

(c) It isn't far from the university, doesn't it?

(d) It isn't far from university, has it?

30. (a) She understood the question, doesn't she?

(b) She understand the question, hadn't she? 

(c) She understood the question, didn't she? ✓

(d) She understood question, doesn't she?

31. (a) He should be strong enough to get out of bed in a few days. 

(b) He should be strong enough so that to get out of bed in few days. 

(c) He should be strong enough to get out of bed in a few days.✓

(d) He should be enough strong to get off the bed in few days.

32. (a) He drives so fast that no one likes to ride with him. 

(b) He drives so fast that no one likes to ride with him. ✓

(c) He drives as fast as no one likes to ride with him. 

(d) He drives so fast, no one likes to ride with him.

33. (a) This composition is better than your last one.

(b) This composition is better than your last.

(c) This composition is good than your last one.

(d) This composition is better than your last one.✓

 34. (a) The fast we finish, the sooner we can leave. 

(b) The faster we finish, the soon we can leave.

(c) The faster we finish, the sooner we can leave. ✓

(d) The faster we did finish, the sooner we can leave.

35. (a) The rainy season begins on July.

(b) The rainy season begins at July.

(c) The rainy season begins in July. 

(d) The rainy season begins in July.✓

36. (a) Raza have a part-time job in the night. 

(b) Raza has a part-time job at night. ✓

(c) Raza has a part-time job in the night. 

(d) Raza have a part-time job at night.

37. (a) Haris has lots of friends beside his roommate.

(b) Haris have lots of friends besides his roommate. 

(c) Haris have lot of friends beside his roommate. 

(d) Haris has lots of friends besides his roommate.✓

38. (a) He borrowed the pen so that he finish his essay. 

(b) He borrowed the pen so that he can finish his essay.

(c) He borrowed the pen so he could finish his essay. 

(d) He borrowed the pen so that he could finish his essay.✓

39. (a) I thought that he is coming today. 

(b) I thought that he will come today.

(c) I thought that he was coming today. ✓

(d) I thought he is coming today.

40. (a) We shall not receive mail yesterday because it was holiday. 

(b) We do not receive mail yesterday because it was a holiday. 

(c) We did not receive mail yesterday because it was a holiday.✓

 (d) We did not received mail yesterday because it was holiday.

41. (a) There have been very little rain this Summer.

 (b) There has been very little rain this Summer. ✓

(c) There been very little rain this summer. 

(d) There has very little rain this summer.

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