Biology MCQs Hub: Sindh Textbook Class 10 & Job Test Prep

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"Explore a comprehensive collection of 10th class biology multiple-choice questions (MCQs) curated from Sindh textbooks, designed to aid students in their academic preparation. Additionally, find MCQs tailored for varcc c

ious job tests in Pakistan, ensuring a holistic approach to knowledge acquisition and exam readiness. Test your understanding of biology concepts and enhance your preparation for academic exams and job assessments."


1. What is the study about life called?

   a) Geology

   b) Biology

   c) Chemistry

   d) Physics

2. What is the study about plants called?

   a) Botany

   b) Zoology

   c) Microbiology

   d) Anatomy

3. From which word is the term "Botany" derived, meaning plants?

   a) Greek word "Botanicus"

   b) Latin word "Botanica"

   c) Greek word "Butane"

   d) Latin word "Plantae"

4. What is the study about animals called?

   a) Biology

   b) Botany

   c) Zoology

   d) Microbiology

5. What is the study about very small organisms called?

   a) Botany

   b) Zoology

   c) Microbiology

   d) Anatomy

6. What is the study about the external form and structure of living organisms called?

   a) Physiology

   b) Morphology

   c) Anatomy

   d) Biometry

7. What is the study about the internal parts of the body of living organisms by cutting them open called?

   a) Anatomy

   b) Physiology

   c) Morphology

   d) Biometry

8. What is the study about the functions of living organisms called?

   a) Physiology

   b) Morphology

   c) Anatomy

   d) Biometry

9. What is the study of the formation and development of the embryo called?

   a) Biometry

   b) Medicine

   c) Developmental Biology

   d) Surgery

10. What branch of Mathematics collects data of living organisms?

    a) Biometry

    b) Medicine

    c) Developmental Biology

    d) Surgery

11. What is the study about the diagnosis and treatment of diseases called?

    a) Biometry

    b) Medicine

    c) Developmental Biology

    d) Surgery

12. What is the study of repair, replacement, or removal of the affected organ called?

    a) Biometry

    b) Medicine

    c) Developmental Biology

    d) Surgery

13. What is the basic unit of life?

    a) Molecule

    b) Atom

    c) Cell

    d) Organ

14. Who discovered the cell in 1665?

    a) Isaac Newton

    b) Galileo Galilei

    c) Robert Hooke

    d) Charles Darwin

15. What percentage of oxygen does exhaled air contain?

    a) 21%

    b) 16%

    c) 30%

    d) 12%

16. Who was the first to classify all kinds of organisms?

   a) Charles Darwin

   b) Gregor Mendel

   c) Aristotle

   d) Watson and Crick

17. Which structure is absent in an animal cell?

   a) Cell membrane

   b) Cell wall

   c) Nucleus

   d) Mitochondria

18. What is absent in an animal cell that is present in a plant cell?

   a) Nucleus

   b) Mitochondria

   c) Plastids

   d) Golgi apparatus

19. When does fruit and seed formation typically occur?

   a) Before fertilization

   b) During fertilization

   c) After fertilization

   d) None of the above

20. What are fruits formed without fertilization called?

   a) Parthenogenesis

   b) Parthenocarpy

   c) Pollination

   d) Fertilization

21. Through which structure does water enter the seed?

   a) Stoma

   b) Xylem

   c) Micropyle

   d) Phloem

22. What is the fusion of gametes called?

   a) Meiosis

   b) Mitosis

   c) Fertilization

   d) Gametogenesis

23. What is the transfer of characteristics from parents to offspring called?

   a) Evolution

   b) Adaptation

   c) Inheritance

   d) Variation

24. Who discovered chromosomes?

   a) Charles Darwin

   b) Gregor Mendel

   c) Walter Flemming

   d) Karl Ereky

25. Who proposed the model of DNA?

    a) Gregor Mendel

    b) Watson and Crick

    c) Charles Darwin

    d) Aristotle

26. What is the main source of energy on Earth?

    a) Wind

    b) Water

    c) Sun

    d) Moon

27. What is the conversion of atmospheric free nitrogen gas into nitrates called?

    a) Nitrogen fixation

    b) Denitrification

    c) Nitrification

    d) Ammonification

28. Which term refers to a group of organisms belonging to the same species living in a particular area?

    a) Community

    b) Ecosystem

    c) Population

    d) Biosphere

29. What is the membrane that encloses the kidney called?

    a) Peritoneum

    b) Mesothelium

    c) Epithelium

    d) Endothelium

30. What are organisms that cannot make their food called?

    a) Producers

    b) Autotrophs

    c) Consumers

    d) Heterotrophs

31. What is the controlled use of biological agents for beneficial use called?

    a) Genetics

    b) Biotechnology

    c) Ecology

    d) Botany

32. When was the Human Genome Project launched?

    a) 1980

    b) 1990

    c) 2000

    d) 2010

33. Who proposed the word "Biotechnology"?

    a) Gregor Mendel

    b) Watson and Crick

    c) Karl Ereky

    d) Charles Darwin

34. What is the term used for the increase in temperature within the Earth's atmosphere?

    a) Climate change

    b) Global warming

    c) Ozone depletion

    d) Greenhouse effect

35. In which type of relationship do two different kinds of organisms benefit by living together?

    a) Commensalism

    b) Mutualism

    c) Parasitism

    d) Symbiosis

36. Who developed the concept of ecological pyramids in 1927?

    a) Charles Darwin

    b) Gregor Mendel

    c) Charles Elton

    d) Watson and Crick

37. Which process is performed by microorganisms living in soil?

    a) Nitrification

    b) Denitrification

    c) Nitrogen fixation

    d) Ammonification

38. What is the term for cutting down trees on a large scale?

    a) Deforestation

    b) Afforestation

    c) Reforestation

    d) Desertification

39. Which component of the environment is often referred to as the "lungs of the Earth"?

    a) Oceans

    b) Forests

    c) Deserts

    d) Grasslands

40. What are substances that cause pollution called?

    a) Pollutants

    b) Contaminants

    c) Toxins

    d) Emissions

41. What does ozone (O3) in the atmosphere protect from?

    a) Acid rain

    b) Global warming

    c) Ultraviolet radiations

    d) Air pollution

42. What type of relationship is associated with or between a host and a parasite?

    a) Mutualism

    b) Commensalism

    c) Parasitism

    d) Symbiosis

43. Who proposed the term "Biotechnology"?

    a) Karl Ereky

    b) Gregor Mendel

    c) Watson and Crick

    d) Charles Darwin

44. What does the Human Genome Project aim to study?

    a) Environmental conservation

    b) Human evolution

    c) Genetic mapping of the human genome

    d) Animal behavior

45. What is the controlled use of biological agents for beneficial use called?

    a) Biotechnology

    b) Genetics

    c) Microbiology

    d) Ecology

46. What term is used for the increase in temperature within the Earth's atmosphere due to greenhouse gases?

    a) Global warming

    b) Climate change

    c) Ozone depletion

    d) Acid rain

47. In which type of relationship do two different kinds of organisms get benefit by living together?

    a) Parasitism

    b) Mutualism

    c) Commensalism

    d) Symbiosis

48. What term refers to the situation where heat remains within the Earth's atmosphere and increases the temperature?

    a) Climate change

    b) Global warming

    c) Ozone depletion

    d) Acidification

49. In an ecosystem, what do living organisms develop according to their needs?

    a) Relationships

    b) Adaptations

    c) Reproduction

    d) Survival strategies

50. Who proposed the word "Biotechnology"?

    a) Karl Ereky

    b) Gregor Mendel

    c) Charles Darwin

    d) Watson and Crick

51. What is the term used for a living organism developing a number of relationships according to their needs in an ecosystem?

    a) Adaptation

    b) Symbiosis

    c) Biodiversity

    d) Niches

52. Who proposed the term "Biotechnology"?

    a) Gregor Mendel

    b) Karl Ereky

    c) Watson and Crick

    d) Charles Darwin

53. What is the controlled use of biological agents for beneficial use called?

    a) Genetics

    b) Microbiology

    c) Biotechnology

    d) Ecology

54. When was the Human Genome Project launched?

    a) 1980

    b) 1990

    c) 2000

    d) 2010

55. What is the main source of energy on Earth?

    a) Wind

    b) Water

    c) Sun

    d) Moon

56. What term refers to a group of organisms belonging to the same species living in a particular area?

    a) Community

    b) Ecosystem

    c) Population

    d) Biosphere

57. What is the membrane that encloses the kidney called?

    a) Peritoneum

    b) Mesothelium

    c) Epithelium

    d) Endothelium

58. What are organisms that cannot make their food called?

    a) Producers

    b) Autotrophs

    c) Consumers

    d) Heterotrophs

59. What is the term for the increase in temperature within the Earth's atmosphere?

    a) Climate change

    b) Global warming

    c) Ozone depletion

    d) Greenhouse effect

60. In which type of relationship do two different kinds of organisms benefit by living together?

    a) Commensalism

    b) Mutualism

    c) Parasitism

    d) Symbiosis

61. What does ozone (O3) in the atmosphere protect from?

    a) Acid rain

    b) Global warming

    c) Ultraviolet radiations

    d) Air pollution

62. What are substances that cause pollution called?

    a) Pollutants

    b) Contaminants

    c) Toxins

    d) Emissions

63. What component of the environment is often referred to as the "lungs of the Earth"?

    a) Oceans

    b) Forests

    c) Deserts

    d) Grasslands

64. Which process is performed by microorganisms living in soil?

    a) Nitrification

    b) Denitrification

    c) Nitrogen fixation

    d) Ammonification

65. Who developed the concept of ecological pyramids in 1927?

    a) Charles Darwin

    b) Gregor Mendel

    c) Charles Elton

    d) Watson and Crick

66. What is fermentation?

   a) The process of cell division

   b) The process of producing useful products by living organisms such as yeast and bacteria

   c) The breakdown of carbohydrates in the absence of oxygen

   d) The process of converting sunlight into energy

67. What are cells of cartilage called?

   a) Chondrocytes

   b) Osteocytes

   c) Fibroblasts

   d) Adipocytes

68. What is the process essential for the continuing and survival of species called?

   a) Evolution

   b) Adaptation

   c) Reproduction

   d) Mutation

69. Where can drugs be derived from?

   a) Only plants

   b) Only animals

   c) Both plants and animals

   d) Neither plants nor animals

70. Who discovered Penicillin in 1928?

   a) Alexander Graham Bell

   b) Alexander Fleming

   c) Thomas Edison

   d) Louis Pasteur

71. What is a vaccine?

   a) A medicine for bacterial infections

   b) A biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease

   c) A treatment for respiratory disorders

   d) A type of surgery

72. What does "bactericidal" mean?

   a) Killing the bacteria

   b) Stimulating bacterial growth

   c) Inhibiting bacterial growth

   d) None of the above

73. Where does selective reabsorption occur in the kidney?

    a) Bowman's capsule

    b) Proximal convoluted tubule

    c) Distal convoluted tubule

    d) Loop of Henle

74. What is the treatment of kidney stones called?

    a) Nephrectomy

    b) Dialysis

    c) Lithotripsy

    d) Chemotherapy

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