Physics Important MCQs 🌑

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Physics MCQs

 Which quantity is a state function_______________?

A. internal energy

B. heat supply

C. pressure

D. volume

Ans :a

Petrol engine is a________________?

A. C.I engine

B. SI engine

C. IC engine

D. all the above

Ans :d

For the successful operation of Heat engine which condition should be met ?

A. cyclic process

B. operated at certain temperature difference

C. both A and B 

D. none of these

Ans :c

The purpose of flywheel in the engines is________________?

A. to smooth out the energy variation

B. to add more weight to engine to work it stable

C. to start engine

D. both A and B

Ans :a

The work done in the isochoric process is________________?

A. constant

B. variable

C. zero

D. depends on situation

Ans :c

A stone is thrown upward from the top of a 59.4m high cliff with an upward velocity component of 19.6m/s how long is the stone in the air?

A. 4.00 s

B. 5.00 s

C. 6.00 s

D. 7.00 s

Ans :c

The value of γ for diatomic gas is_______________?

A. 1.67

B. 1.4

C. γ = 1.3

D. None

Ans :b

In which process all the heat supplied is converted into work done ?

A. isothermal

B. isochoric

C. isobaric

D. isentropic

Ans :a

The performance of a refrigerator is described by________________?

A. efficiency

B. coefficient of performance

C. both A and B

D. not described

Ans :b

The unit of entropy is________________?

A. J.K

B. J/K

C. N.m/sec

D. Kgm2/sec2.K

Ans :b

Which of the following is not derived quantity________?

A. Time

B. Density

C. Volume

D. Area

Ans :a

The symbol of the prefix used for Mega is_______?

A. G

B. h

C. M

D. E

Ans :c

Name the SI unit having the symbol cd?

A. Candela

B. Cm

C. Ampere

D. Second

Ans :a

Which of the following branch of Physics deals with the internal structure of earth?

A. Biophysics

B. Geophysics

C. Plasma physics

D. Atomic physics

Ans :b

The average acceleration caused by gravity per second is____________?

A. 22 feet

B. 32 feet

C. 52 feet

D. 42 feet

Ans :b

We can produce heat by________________?

A. Frictional process

B. Chemical processes

C. Electrical processes

D. All of the above

Ans :d

At constant temperature the graph between V and 1/P is_____________?

A. Hyperbola

B. Parabola

C. A curve of any shape

D. A straight lime

Ans :d

The scales of temperature are based on two fixed points which are_________________?

A. The temperatures of water at 0? 100?C

B. The temperature of melting ice and boiling water at atmospheric pressure

C. The temperatures of ice cold and boiling water

D. The temperatures of frozen and boiling mercury

Ans :b

Temperature is a property which determines_________________?

A. How much heat a body contains

B. Whether a body will feel hot or cold to touch

C. In which direction heat will flow between two systems

D. How much total absolute energy a body has

Ans :c

Dimension of pressure is__________________?


B. ML-1T-1

C. ML-1T-2

D. ML-2T-2

Ans :c

Boyles law helds for ideal gases in________________?

A. isochoric processes

B. isobaric processes

C. isothermal processes

D. adiabatic processes

Ans :c

Gas molecules of different masses in the same container have the same average transnational kinetic energy which is directly proportional to their_____________?

A. volume

B. pressure

C. absolute temperature

D. time

Ans :c

If the pressure of a given gas is held constant its density is inversely proportional to its absolute temperature. We can refer it as another statement of_______?

A. Boyles law

B. Charles law

C. Ideal gas law

D. Avagadros law

Ans :b

The pressure exerted by a column of mercury 76cm high and at 0°C is called________?

A. 1 atmosphere

B. 1 Newton per square meter

C. 1 Pascal

D. data is insufficient

Ans :a

Metabolism is the name of a process in which energy transformation take place within_______?

A. Heat engine

B. Human body

C. Atmosphere

D. Laboratory

Ans :b

Numerical value of Boltzmanns constant is______?

A. 1.38×10-31JK-1

B. 3.18×10-31JK-1

C. 3.18×10-23JK-1

D. 1.38×10-23JK-1

Ans :d

We prefer mercury as a thermometric substance because_______?

A. Over a wide range of temperature its expansion is uniform

B. It does not stick to thermometer glass

C. It opaque to light

D. All of above

Ans :d

In a clinical thermometer the mercury in the capillary tube does not contract once removed from the patient because________?

A. Mercury takes a long time to contract

B. The amount of mercury use is very small

C. The capillary tube has a small constriction near the bulb

D. The capillary tube is very narrow

Ans :c

Which one is not an example of adiabatic process ?

A. rapid escape of air from a burst tyre

B. rapid expansion of air

C. conversion of water into ice in refrigerator

D. cloud formation in the atmosphere

Ans :c

If the volume of a gas is held constant and we increase its temperature then_______?

A. its pressure is constant

B. its pressure rises

C. its pressure falls

D. any of above

Ans :b

Which one is true for internal energy ?

A. It is sum of all forms of energies associated with molecules of a system

B. It is a state function of a system

C. It is proportional to transnational K.E of the molecules

D. All are correct

Ans :d

According to Pascals law the pressure of gas in a vessel is_______?

A. Different in different direction

B. Same in all direction

C. Same only along opposite directions

D. Same only along normal directions

Ans :b

The Fahrenheit and centigrade scales agree to_______?

A. 40

B. 15.5

C. 542

D. 273

Ans :a

The size of one degree of Celsius is equal to______?

A. One degree of Fahrenheit scale

B. 1.8 degrees of Fahrenheit scale

C. 3.2 degrees of Fahrenheit scale

D. 2.12 degrees of Fahrenheit scale

Ans :b

Normal human body temperature 98.6°F corresponds to_______?

A. 37°C

B. 42°C

C. 55°C

D. 410°C

Ans :a

Triple point of water is________?

A. 273°C at 6.11 Kpa

B. 273K at 61.6 Kpa

C. 273.16°C at 0.611 Kpa

D. 273.16K at 750 Kpa

Ans :c

For a gas obeying Boyles law if the pressure is doubled the volume becomes_________?

A. double

B. one half

C. four times

D. one fourth

Ans :b

The area enclosed by the curve ABCDA for a Carnot heat engine represents the work done by Carnot engine_______?

A. at any instant

B. averagely

C. during its operation

D. during one cycle

Ans :d

At what temperature is the Fahrenheit scale reading equal to twice that of the Celsius scale?

A. 460°C

B. 280°C

C. 360°C

D. 160°C

Ans :d

Standard condition STP refer to a gas at _________?

A. 76cm 0°C

B. 760mm 273K

C. 1atm 273K

D. all of the above

Ans :d

Adiabatic process is also called________?

A. Heat exchange process

B. Heating process

C. Isentropic process

D. All of the above

Ans :c

In which process entropy remains constant_________?

A. isobaric

B. isochoric

C. adiabatic

D. isothermal

Ans :c

Average translational kinetic energy per molecule of an ideal gas is given by________?

A. 3NaT/2R

B. 2NaT/3

C. 3RT/2Na

D. 3Na/2RT

Ans :c

Boltzman constant K in terms of universal gas constant R and Avagadros number Na is give as________?

A. K = RNa

B. K = R/Na

C. K = Na/Ra

D. K = nRNa

Ans :b

Which of the following properties of molecules of a gas is same for all gases at particular temperature ?

A. momentum

B. mass

C. velocity

D. kinetic energy

Ans :d

The simplest type of rectification known as half wave rectification is obtained by_______?

A. using a transistor

B. suppressing the harmonics in A.C voltage

C. suppressing half wave of A.C supply by using diode

D. using a Coolidge tube

Ans :c

In p-n-p transistor the collector current is________________?

A. equal to emitter current

B. slightly less than emitter current

C. greater than emitter current

D. any of above

Ans :b

The especially designed semiconductor diodes used as indicator lamps in electronic circuits are___________?

A. The switch

B. The light emitting diode

C. The photo diodes

D. Solar cells.

Ans :b

Semi-conductors with donor atoms and free electrons belong to the type________________?

A. n

B. p

C. mix

D. any of above

Ans :a

The device or circuit used for conversion of A.C. into D.C. is called_______________?

A. An amplifier.

B. A rectifier

C. Filtering circuit

D. Converter.

Ans :b

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