One Word Substitution very Important MCQs

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1. Walking in sleep

(a) Somniloquism 

(b) Somnambulism✓

(c) Obsession 

(d) Hallucination

2. One who cannot die

(a) Stable 

(b) Immortal✓

(c) Perpetual 

(d) Perennial

3. A formal written change against a person for some crime or offence

(a) Accusation 

(b) Indictment✓

(c) Allegation 

(d) Acrimony

4. Language difficult to understand because of bad form

(a) Rhetoric 

(b) Jargon✓

(c) Pedantic 

(d) Verbatim

5. Belief or opinion contrary to what is generally accepted

(a) Unbelief 

(b) Superstition

(c) Non-conformity 

(d) Heresy✓

6. A person obsessed with exclusively one idea or subject

(a) Crazy 

(b) Kleptomaniac

(c) Monomaniac✓ 

(d) Nymphomaniac

7. A child of unusual or remarkable talent

(a) Scholar 

(b) Diligent

(c) Freak 

(d) Prodigy✓

8. A disease which ends in death

(a) Contagious

(b) Lethal


(d) Deadly

9. A person who kills somebody especially for political reasons

(a) Criminal 

(b) Murderer

(c) Assassin✓ 

(d) Hangman

10. one who loves mankind

(a) Anthropologist 

(b) Philanthropist✓

(c) Seismologist 

(d) Opțometrist

11. A small piece of potato

(a) Chunk 

(b) Chip✓

(c) Scrap 

(d) Bit

12. A child who stays away from school without any good reason. 

(a) Vagabond 

(b) Delinquent

(c) Schizophrenic 

(d) Truant✓

13. A common place remark

(a) Dialogue 

(b) Platitude✓

(c) Epigram 

(d) Statement

14. Line at which the earth or sea and sky seem to meet

(a) Horizon✓

(b) Zenith

(c) Fringe 

(d) Plinth

15. A person who rules without consulting the

opinion of others

(a) Democrat 

(b) Bureaucrat

(c) Autocrat ✓

(d) Fanatic

16. A person who speaks for or supports an idea

(a) Pioneer 

(b) Adviser

(c) Advocate ✓

(d) ldeologist

17. Aman of odd habits

(a) Eccentric ✓

(b) Cynical

(c) Introvert 

(d) Moody

18. A thing or person behind time

(a) Lazy 

(b) Sluggish

(c) Indolent 

(d) Antiquated✓

19. One whose attitude is: 'eat, drink and be merry'

(a) Epicurean ✓

(b) Cynic

(c) Materialistic 

(d) Stoic

20. Science of printing

(a) Calligraphy 

(b) Typography✓

(c) Topography 

(d) Cryptography

21. Man whose wife has been unfaithful

(a) Dandy 

(b) Bastard

(c) Concubine 

(d) Cuckold✓

22. Deriving pleasure from inflicting pain on others

(a) Sadism ✓

(b) Malevolence

(c) Bigotry 

(d) Masochism

23. One who robs smuggler of his smuggled goods after the border has been crossed

(a) Pirate 

(b) Malefactor

(c) Hijacker ✓

(d) Philanderer

24. Course for chariot races

ja) Sanatorium 

(b) Hangar

(c) Hippodrome ✓

(d) Arena

25. One who pretends illness to escape duty

(a) Truant 

(b) Malingerer✓

(c) Hypocrite 

(d) Concubine

26. The power of reading the thoughts of others

(a) Psychopathy 

(b) Telecommunication

(c) Psychology 

(d) Telepathy✓

27. Of unknown and unadmitted authorship

(a) Gullible

(b) Anonymous✓

(c) Unanimous 

(d) Vexation

28. Contempt of God 

(b) Nihilism

(a) Athesim

(c) Blasphemy ✓

(d) Agnosticism

29. Person holding a scholarship at a university

(a) Intellectual 

(b) Pedant

(c) Scholar 

(d) Bursar✓

30. A person concerned with practical results and values

(a) Plagiarist 

(b) Realist

(c) Pragmatist ✓

(d) Fundamentalist

31. Member of a band of robbers

(a) Dacoit 

(b) Brigand✓

(c) Thief 

(d) Pirate

32. A person without manners or polish

(a) Rustic ✓

(b) Native

(c) Boorish 

(d) Barbarian

33. A speech by an actor at the end of a play

(a) Epilogue ✓

(b) Monologue

(c) Duologue 

(d) Prologue

34. Responsible according to law

(a) Liable 

(b) Eligible

(c) Legalised 

(d) Legitimate✓

35. A funny imitation of a poem

(a) Counterfeit 

(b) Sonnet

(c) Caricature 

(d) Parody✓

36. Decision made upon a political question by the votes of all qualified persons

(a) Veto 

(b) Suffrage

(c) Plebiscite ✓

(d) Franchise

37. Wistful longing for something one has known in the past 

(a) Hysteria

(b) Megalomania

(d) Logomania✓

(c) Nostalgia

38. A person who is made to bear the blame due to others 

(a) Innocent

(b) Scapegoat ✓

(d) Nincompoop

(C) lgnoramus

39. Act of taking one's life

(a) Suicide✓ 

(b) Slaughter

(c) Homicide 

(d) Immolation

40. A person who brings goods illegally into the country (Asst. Grade 1994)

(a) Exporters 

(b) Importers

(c) Smuggler ✓

(d) Imposter

41. A man who dances to the tunes of his wife

(a) Effeminate 

(b) Slave

(c) Henpecked ✓

(d) Chum

42. A place of ideal peace and happiness

(a) Asylum 

(b) Utopia

(c) EI Dorado 

(d) Elysium✓

43. One who stirs people for personal politics or profit

(a) Pedagogue 

(b) Demagogue✓

(c) Dictator 

(d) Hypocrite

44. One who is honourably discharged from service

(a) Emeritus ✓

(b) Honorary

(c) Sinecure 

(d) Retired

45. Shining, brilliant and magnificent

(a) Luminous 

(b) Gleaming

(c) Resplendent ✓

(d) Polished

46. Cutting for stone in the bladder

(a) Dichotomy 

(b) Tubectomy

(c) Vasectomy 

(d) Lithotomy✓

47. A heavy unnatural slumber

(a) Nap 

(b) Insomnia

(c) Coma 

(d) Stupor✓

48. Changing one's mind to0 quickly

(a) Adaptability 

(b) Instability

(c) Versatility 

(d) Vacillation✓

49. A person who travels to a sacred place as an act of religious devotion

(a) Hermit 

(b) Pilgrim✓

(c) Saint 

(d) Mendicant

50. To jo away with a rule

(a) 'Cancel 

(b) Repeal

(c) Obliterate 

(d) Abrogate✓

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